December 2007: Book Reviews

This is an archive of my shorter book reviews and notes, which historically have been posted over at the 50 Book Challenge on LiveJournal, but which I’m starting to move over here. I’m posting them with altered date-stamps, but they might show up in my LiveJournal cross-post anyway. Bear with me, please. Note: Many of […]

Long Time, No Post

Hello everyone! Johnnyb, here. It’s been a while. I blame accidentally deleting my weekly reminder to make a blog entry. As you probably know by now, I rarely think to make a blog entry on my own. Anyway, where were we when I posted last? I mean, literally, *where* were we? Maybe Tennessee. In Tennessee […]

School House Rock

Last night, John and I bought the 30th Anniversary Edition DVD of School House Rock, including all the songs. John is now wandering around the RV singing about his adjectives. Isn’t that just adorable?

Holiday, Travel.

Has it really been 2 weeks since I updated? Indeed, it has. John and I went to California last week to get a bunch of things done, see a bunch of people, and then hurry back before the cat froze. We accomplished all three (John’s sister looked after the cat), and are now back at […]