Over the past week or so, Johnny has been diligently helping me move my server over to one he has on his co-located servers. I’ve been less than satisfied with Dreamhost, and want to save some $ on top, so a movin’ I shall go. It takes time, though, and of course everything breaks, so […]
Dear Internet
Hi, friends. As you know, I use a Macintosh computer. As you don’t know but could probably guess, my mother uses a Windows computer. She does not want to switch computers, OS’s, or make big drastic changes to her computing platform. For security reasons (ie: nobody thinks it’s secure), she is not permitted to install […]
G1 Phone User Guide
Someday I will write Online help system in haiku. No one will read it. John and I got G1 phones (the Google phone). They’re pretty cool, and hidden in the user manual, in the “Caring for your Phone” section, are little bits of poetic language, just waiting there as gems for the people who actually […]
My MacBook Pro is a lemon
I’ve replaced the DVD drive, the battery, and the operating system. On Wednesday, in the midst of Las Vegas’ freak storm, my hard drive started to click like a ticking bomb. Except, ironically, the clicking meant the bomb had gone off. The hard drive is toast and the computer is at Apple being replaced. Worse, […]