My favorite SF RPGs are probably Fate and Lady Blackburn. I already covered Lady Blackburn as my “favorite Free RPG,” so let’s talk about Fate!
#RPGaDay 5: Most Recent Purchase
Well. Because I only bought board and card games at GenCon, this answer is a little silly given yesterday’s post about larping at GenCon. See, on Tuesday before GenCon, I bought the ebook version of Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition, just so I wouldn’t have to carry the paperback with me, in case I thought I […]
Orccon 2015 Roundup
I went to Strategicon over Presidents Day weekend, and did some gaming! I brought a friend and fellow gamer along with me, who played in most of the games I participated in (this was his first larger convention, so it was good to have a buddy). Mike and Justin also went to Strategicon, but I […]
Strategicon: Gamex 2014. The Games We Played This Weekend
Once again, Mike and I do a post-mortem after Strategicon weekend! This was one of the best gaming weekends for me at a convention– every RPG I played was exceptional, and the worst/most disappointing one I played was actually the one I ran (Threadbare… still a work in progress!)
SS Placeholder Shenanigans, part 2
Notes from the SS Placeholder Fate Accelerated game from last week, wrapping up our Innabelle 5 delivery of a giant land shark with a forehead-mounted laser. Arrival at Innabelle 5, contacted by the spaceport traffic control. Kiray learns this is a resort planet, so changes into her bikini (mandatory uniform for female crewmembers of the SS […]