The Edom Files, the adventure supplement for Night’s Black Agents Dracula Dossier, is finally out! It’s been sent out to Kickstarter backers and should be hitting Pelgrane’s online store very soon. Why is this exciting to me? In addition to being a really cool product, it also has my adventure, “Day of the Wehrwolf” in […]
#RPGaDay 5: Most Recent Purchase
Well. Because I only bought board and card games at GenCon, this answer is a little silly given yesterday’s post about larping at GenCon. See, on Tuesday before GenCon, I bought the ebook version of Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition, just so I wouldn’t have to carry the paperback with me, in case I thought I […]
Gumshoe Demo Videos
I ran three GUMSHOE demos this morning at the ConTessa Spring Break weekend!  Each video is 50-60 minutes long. We played over Google Hangouts, with Roll20 for the tabletop. I screwed up in the Ashen Stars game and didn’t have the Roll20 screensharing (dangit!), so you don’t get those pretty pictures. Alas. First, we went to Krakow, Poland, for […]
I’m Running Gumshoe this weekend
Do you wanna game with me? I’m running three Gumshoe demos this weekend at the awesome and amazing Contessa Game Weekend. Note: If you’re in the Los Angeles area, I’m running the same demos the following weekend at Strategicon, on May 23rd, starting at 4 PM. I’m participating in Games on Demand, so you don’t […]
Orccon 2015 Roundup
I went to Strategicon over Presidents Day weekend, and did some gaming! I brought a friend and fellow gamer along with me, who played in most of the games I participated in (this was his first larger convention, so it was good to have a buddy). Mike and Justin also went to Strategicon, but I […]