Contessa won the ENnie for Best Blog! Not much else to add, here, except congratulations to Stacy, Sarah, Ethel, and all the Contessa writers (myself included!)
ENnie Nomination!
One of the blogs I write for, Contessa, was nominated for a Best Blog ENnie award! The ENnies are a tabletop/RPG gaming award, which holds the ceremony at GenCon every year. It’s a huge honor to be part of something nominated for recognition! I’m proud of the work we do at Contessa, and especially proud […]
Con XP – Contessa Blog
I wrote a post for the Contessa Blog about convention-going experiences, what to expect, and how I structure my time when I’m planning and attending a con. Ideally, I’d like to stay across the street– staying at a different hotel gives me a mental and physical break from the convention, and I’m enough of an […]
Gumshoe Demo Videos
I ran three GUMSHOE demos this morning at the ConTessa Spring Break weekend!  Each video is 50-60 minutes long. We played over Google Hangouts, with Roll20 for the tabletop. I screwed up in the Ashen Stars game and didn’t have the Roll20 screensharing (dangit!), so you don’t get those pretty pictures. Alas. First, we went to Krakow, Poland, for […]
Contessa Blog: GMing Tools
This month, over on the ConTessa blog, the other GMs and I round-tabled about the tools we’re using to prep for and run our games. Pretty interesting read, if only because we all prep with different tools and approaches. What about you? What interesting or different tools do you use to prep and run your […]