This is an archive of my shorter book reviews and notes, which historically have been posted over at the 50 Book Challenge on LiveJournal, but which I’m starting to move over here. I’m posting them with altered date-stamps, but they might show up in my LiveJournal cross-post anyway. Bear with me, please. Note: Many of […]
2008: The Year of…?
As you all know, I like a challenge. 2002 was the year of NaNoWriMo. I’ve done it every year since then, but 2002 was the year I really got to it. 2003 was the year of…. new cars? 2004 was the year of the marathon. 2005 was the year of videoblogging. 2006 was the year […]
Secret of the Stole: Finished
Enjoy the amazing lack of detail that characterizes my photography skillz: Clue 8 (the final clue) went very quickly: I can’t believe I knitted the whole thing…. And a stitched-together version with more detail: Yowza! Next task is to block it, which requires some materials which I do not currently possess. Then to get back […]
Party Like a Rock Star!
We moved the Party Like a Rock Star party to Tuesday, December 11th. 6:30ish, at Boulder Creek Brewery in Boulder Creek. Hope to see you all there!
Novel Excerpt
I’m at 30,027 words as of last night. Behind, but not too far behind. I know I haven’t shared any of my novel-writing adventures in the blog so far. I’m not sure why that is, except perhaps that sharing would require me to actually write, and this month I have seven days with a word […]