I joined dice.camp about 5 years ago when Google+ shut down. As Twitter goes through its death throes, I’m more active on Mastodon. Enjoying it for the most part. Here are some tips I posted recently to a friend, gathered from various other posts on the Mastodon. There’s a lot of thought and discussion about […]
Tell Me Another, Episode 26
A couple of weeks ago, I joined Josh Jordan, P.K. Sullivan, and Ryan McSwain on the Tell Me Another storytelling podcast. It was posted this weekend! Part One (43 minutes) and Part Two (49 minutes). It was a ton of fun to join the crew for this podcast. I enjoyed the experience and felt that I helped contribute […]
Interstellar: The White Guy’s Hero Space Adventure!
I saw Interstellar last night. It’s a good sci fi movie. It felt like a cross between Contact and Gravity, but with a larger cast of crewmembers. It was gorgeous visually, had amazing special effects, and significantly limited the “that doesn’t work like that in space” that many other movies fall into. For example: things […]
Follow-Up: Some GREAT Resources for Making Games
So. My post last week sparked some really good discussion among tabletop game creators! Side note: It also hit the twittersphere and was inaccurately associated with video games, which it’s rather explicitly not about. As a result, I received a number of well-meaning comments from video gamers, and I just want to give a shout-out […]
Rob Lowe, DirectTV and Shame
This post is about male narratives and men’s stories, and gender equality and not emasculating men. I acknowledge in advance that this is not my narrative, and I appreciate those who are willing to listen and think and question this cultural artifact with me. Although I like Rob Lowe and his new commercials pimping for […]