This week, I picked up Getting Buried in Vegas, which I wrote for NaNoWriMo back in 2008. It’s one of my unfinished novels that I’ve always wanted to get back to. I’ve considered revising it as a screenplay. I’ve also considered leaving it in the drawer forever. It needs a lot of work, but the […]
11/1 – 11/15: 52,208 words
I finished There Was No Second Date on Friday, weighing in at 52,208 words. On the NaNoWriMo validator, it shows up as a lot less, but I blame the email headers in the Interludes. Anyway, here is a lively excerpt from the book, for your enjoyment.
Halfway Mark
My mom likes to tell this story as an example of what it was like to parent me. We had this tradition where my parents would buy a bunch of toys, wrap them up, and give them to us every couple of hours during road trips, so we wouldn’t be utterly bored out of our […]
NaNoWriMo 2013 started Friday
As you know, I like to participate in NaNoWriMo, the month-long writing challenge to write a novel in 30 days. This year is no exception. I am writing a chick lit novel called “There Was No Second Date,” in epistolary format. Basically, it’s a series of emails and chat logs between Charlotte, a late-20’s budding-blogger who […]