When last we left the intrepid crew of The Wild Side, Captain Judson was sealed in a medical pod in sick bay, recovering from 3rd degree burns, Acting Captain Boost Harper had taken command of the ship, Ashleigh had just been “interviewed” by Ms Norville Morrissey, JD/CPA, with the interview ending when, in response to Morrissey’s […]
The Wild Side Gets New Paint
The Wild Side docked at a nearby space station and, almost immediately upon arrival, as soon as the cargo door had shut, explosions on the other side of the docking bay rocked the station and our ship! Boost, Axel, and Ashleigh were still on board. Ashleigh was unconscious, and Boost and Axel were waiting for us […]
More Crew for the Wild Side
The Wild Side continued its adventures last week, with the appearance of Grace and Axel. Grace is a conflict-averse engineer who was sold to our pilot from her position as a slave on one of the cartel ships. Axel came unwillingly when Captain Judson won his grandfather’s watch in a bet, and Axel came along to earn it […]
The Wild Side Launches
These are the voyages of the Wild Side, a lightweight in-system cargo ship carrying a crew of 4: Captain Lou Judson, a tall drink of a woman with a death wish. “I can never walk away from a dare.” (Forceful, but not careful) Pilot Justin “Boost” Harper, a descendant of the earliest pioneers to settle […]
Explosions and Escapes
On Thursday, my gaming group got together for a Very Special Episode of gaming. We played Explosions and Escapes, a quick-and-dirty RPG for playing action heroes. Very quickly in the game, I looked down and saw “the top” was waaaaay below us. The game devolved quickly into some silliness, as our sidekick (played by LeeAnn) […]