Buzz and Fly is now available! It’s a Lasers & Feelings hack where you play bees in a beehive. I started writing it June 28, 2020 and finished on October 30, 2020.
D&D Chase Sequences
Chase rules in D&D need a lot of work to make them usable.
#AprilTTRPGMaker 12, 13, 14, 15
12: How to make work inclusive? Most of my work has content warnings and safety tools embedded into it. I’ll be honest, though; I can always do better. 13. Participate in streamed games? Yes, I’ve done this. I’ve streamed my own games on YouTube and Twitch, and I’ve been a player in a streamed game. […]
AprilTTRPGMaker2019: 9, 10, 11
#9: I tend to write games that are either GM-less/GM-ful, or put a heavier load of narrative control/responsibility on the players compared to the GM. That said, I do notice when I run games, I tend to do most of the narration, which is something I would like to train myself out of. #10: I’d […]
April 1-8: AprilTTRPGMaker