What the heck?

OK, I’m out of the loop, and I’ll admit that, but what the heck is going on in Albany?!?!? Also, dear media: Please learn what it actually means when a “coup” has taken place. Also, “insurgent” and “beseiged” are not good descriptors of a non-violent political process, however controversial and/or illegal it may be. I’d […]

Paperless: Fail

I signed up for paperless billing on my T-Mobile account: Fail. In unrelated news: My web hosting company decided to move all my servers at 2 AM yesterday morning, completely breaking every server I had, including email (which bounced), web services, everything. And they notified me…. by email. At 2 AM on Easter Sunday. And […]

Quick Thought

I look so much like my mother, it’s frightening. Thankfully, I like my mom. But yeah. There are photos of us at the same ages and you can’t tell who is who without help and cultural cues (and not even those always help, because I had a “poodle skirt” phase in junior high/high school).