Ankylosaurus #1

I’m knitting some dinosaurs as bribes for my weekly D&D players. These are the guys who have put up with my well-meaning plot-destruction for 2 years. I promised a handknit dinosaur to any of them who come to Gencon and celebrate my 40th birthday with me there. Independently, they all expressed that their favorite dinosaur […]

Games that Fail

You know what’s frustrating? When you are 4 games into your 14-game challenge and you write Game #5, only to realize that it’s really bad and needs to be fixed before you’re even close to releasing it in a Print-and-play beta. In other words: Monster Under the Bed still needs some work.

Gamer Cakes and Fondant

This is basically a “look what I made” post. Enjoy. Last month, I took the Gum Paste and Fondant class at my local JoAnn’s fabric store. This is class 3 in the Wilton’s cake decorating series. The parameters for the class are to work with fondant and gum paste to make flowers. So, I learned […]