Another Baby Season

For the first time in a long time, I feel inspired to knit for infants. My childhood best friend is having a baby (a girl!), and Marc (comic book artist) is anticipating a baby of unknown sex (shy baby). I’m starting with a gift for the baby girl, and am making a Baby Surprise Jacket. […]

Thank you hats

I’m making Thank You hats for the folks at John’s office to thank them for their awesome work on the comic book. I’ve finished 2 of the hats so far. One is… a little big: But I think rolling the brim will fix that if the recipient isn’t into being blinded by his hat. The […]

OMG: Knitting!

After a long spell of not really making any progress in knitting, I have finally (!!!) finished Andrea’s socks! They’re knit toe-up using the Queen Kahuna method, and have Fibonacci stripes of bright jewel-tone colors throughout the socks. The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence found in nature and all over the place. It’s basically […]