In 2005, I posted on my LiveJournal blog a video of my cat attacking the “mini me” I had knitted him. It was my first time editing and posting a video to my blog, let alone a cat video. The only other video+web I had done was a video from France a few years earlier, but it was […]
This is a blog test. Feel free to ignore it. Oh, look! Kitty!
It’s a New Year, it’s a New Day
I hope everyone has had a good and safe New Years celebration, and that you’re not all dragging your feet this week! This has been an up and down week, juggling some priorities around. I had a really great day this week, the kind of day that makes you really, really happy to be where […]
My Cat is a Clock
I know he’s cat-shaped, but seriously. He’s a clock. He alarm-clocks us just after dawn. Daylight savings doesn’t phase him at all. He swings like a pendulum between John and me at lunchtime– biting John or sitting next to me to remind us to feed him his lunch (yes, my cat eats three times a […]
RVs and Cultural Restrictions
It’s becoming more and more common for RV parks to ask us the year//make/model of our rig before accepting our reservation. A large (and growing) number of parks have a “10 year restriction” on RVs, meaning they won’t permit you to camp there if your rig is over 10 years old. This is, of course, […]