The Ending is the Beginning

So, I’ve been playing in an online D&D game since mid-October. Every Tuesday night at 5, I get on Skype with 3 guys from Minnesota, Tennessee, and New York. We play until about 10, which is 1 AM for the guys on the East Coast. I am always the first one off the line, so […]

DnD Encounters – Session 5

Celebrating over pancakes at the Golden Grain inn, the proprietor Bertram called for a party in our honor! Hooray! With drinking, and fighting, and gambling. Rhabi and Wulfric joined Pixi and me, and introduced us to a rather scary looking lass named Roth. Grey skin, deadpan delivery– I think she’s some kind of mage. Wulfric, […]

D&D Encounters – Session 4

Well… we started out in town. My goblin’s companions this week were an elderly woman named Boushka, a warrior named Quynn, and a pixie sorcerer named Pixi. I sold my bucket to Boushka for 2 gp and a hot meal. Sold my “sled” to the owner of the pawn shop, Neera, who has two drakes. […]

D&D Encounters Session 3

So…. Peter, Chris (usually a DM), and I all played goblins in last night’s game. Gordon played a werewolf berzerker (Wulfig?), and Bryce played an elf archer (but not a ranger!) named Brandis. We decided we’re all from the same tribe, even though I’m trying to leave it. The tribe headed by the mysterious figure […]