So, there we are, a group of rag-tag adventurers who were supposed to be murderhobos in a frozen world, but who somehow* ended up wanting to overthrow the deathless Ice King and bring back the sun. I was a teleporting warlock with an identity problem. Vor-Kai was a water-based warlord. Hrothgar, our mighty barbarian-ranger, had […]
#RPGaDay 3: Proudest Character Moment
I’m not sure “proud” is the right word for it, but the session in which my character Gwenn shot and killed her best friend Firiel was one of my favorite gaming moments and sessions of the past year, maybe 2. It had everything I love in role-playing stories: betrayal, a terrible choice, an accidental murder, […]
#RPGaDay: Day 2. Best Game Session Since August 2015
This is a really tough one to answer! There are a lot of really great sessions I’ve had in the past year, but two are complete standouts. Fortunately, I can use one of them for tomorrow’s question, so I’ll link to the other one today. In November of 2015, I went to Metatopia, which is […]
#RPGaDay 2016: Day 1: Dice!
As I’ve done for the past 2 years, I’m participating in #RPGaDay this year! Today’s question is about how you like to “roll.” Simple answer: Real dice, diceless, or dice apps. My gripe with dice apps is that most of my use has been either an app on someone’s phone, which then distracted them, or […]
#RPGaDay 25: Favorite Revolutionary Mechanic
This one almost sounds like it’s written for Apocalypse World’s "fail forward" mechanic, but I rave enough about the PbtA system. So instead, I will talk about something that is anti-AW: doing away with XP and having milestone-based advancement. I think this is done well in Fate, where advancement is essentially a matter of adding […]