Shout out to Tony’s Auto Repair— best auto shop in Vegas! That out of the way, it’s hard for me to pin down my favorite game mechanic. Probably something like fan mail– any time players are rewarded for supporting each other, I get a thrill. A good example of this is in Istanbul– you can […]
#AprilTTRPGMaker Day 5: Favorite Game I’ve Worked On
I’m going to *not* talk about Threadbare in this one, because that’s an obvious one. It’s been my labor of love for 6+ years, after all. I’ve contributed to many different games over the years. My favorite game that I’ve worked on is Timewatch— I contributed to the Book of Changing Years, which is a fluff […]
#AprilTTRPGMaker: Days 3 and 4
Day 3: How did you start? I made campaigns for my D&D groups. Sometimes, they were good. Usually they were terrible. I still have several binders and folders of them, and this map I was working on for one campaign (Tabula Rasa– the PCs wake up with lots of history, but no memories), which ended […]
#AprilTTRPGMaker Day 2: Where ya at?
I live in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada, where today, April 2, 2018, it is 85 degrees outside. This is a picture from last week at the park.