February Cookies

Lemon coconut cookies! They have maraschino cherries in the center. We don’t have maraschino cherries, so we substituted with Amaretto cherries. They’re great, but messy! This batch has rinsed cherries. Unrinsed, the syrup from the cherries gets all over the place and makes the cookies delicious, but less aesthetically pleasing. In not a big fan […]

January 2018 Books

#1: Artemis by Andy Weir. Not a sequel to The Martian, this is a sci fi novel set in a future lunar colony. It’s a pretty good book, but I found the protagonist really unlikeable– in stark contrast to the protagonist of The Martian, who wasn’t, say, a criminal who kept insisting that they didn’t […]

Retro Cookie Adventures

So, my good friend and housemate Suzanne visited her mom last week and returned home with a few fun blasts from the past, including a kid’s book of cookie recipes published in 1973 by Scholastic Books, titled The Cookie Book, by Eva Moore. The book is organized by months, with one cookie recipe per month. […]