Feb-April 2012 Books

I fell behind, so I’m going to try and catch up on posting my reading log: #2: Hunger Games, book 1. It has its flaws, but I liked it well enough. #3: Vampire Cheerleaders #1. Dear lord, this manga was full of weird. Read it in a Barnes & Noble on my Nook. Basically, they’re […]

American Idol Fail

I want to get something off my chest about American Idol. First, my disclaimer: I don’t like the show. I watch it, because John watches it. But I don’t find it very entertaining. I enjoyed Seasons 3 and 4, but after that, I’ve just had a really hard time connecting to any kind of story […]

Para sol near completion

I finished crocheting the parasol last night. I am now on washing, blocking, and installing it on the umbrella frame. It’s absolutely larger than the frame, even before blocking (which I expect will add about 30% to the overall size). But I may be able to make it work…. or get a larger golf umbrella […]