7 Ways to Save Money on Your Summer Vacation

Like everyone else in the U.S. this summer, we’re looking for ways to save money. Gas is expensive. Food is expensive. Air is expensive…. well, maybe not air. Yet. There are many ways to limit your budget, some passive, some more active. Passive ways to bring your budget into line include switching to less expensive […]

Within 28 Miles

Last week, my grandmother, Bettina S. Cottrell, died, not unexpectedly. She was 95 and lived in the house her parents lived in, which her grandmother had built back in the 19th century. In fact, when I look at a map of the Boston area and a map of place names from my family tree, it’s pretty clear that most of “the family” (both sides) did not travel more than a few miles from their birthplaces.

Some Changes

Lots of change and upheaval lately: Personal Changes My sister and her kids came to visit last week. It was tons of fun, spent a lot of time at the pool and beach, and went to the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory with them. They’re great kids, and I’m soooooo glad they were able to come […]

Teddy Bears and Monsters!

It’s a day for a road trip, stops on the way for bathroom breaks at unknown gas stations, and moments of pure, childish pleasure in the world. It’s a day for laughing at DVDs in the backseat of the car, and for watching mile after mile of green forests give way to verdant farmland. It’s sunny, then overcast, then almost-drizzling. Not quite hot enough for a summer day in the pool. A perfect day for running off to cuddle up with your imagination.

May-June 2008: Book Reviews

I missed the ends of May and June for my reading write-ups, so I’m posting them all right here, in one long round-up: #26 Guilty Pleasure Romance novel, enjoyable, but not terribly memorable. #27 Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Casts Off! I love Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, and this is a good one. I listened to it on audiobook. #28 […]