My Favorite Noveling Software Was Just Updated

JERs Novel Writer is an awesome, fast, novel-focused application for Mac computers. Jerry just updated it to be a little more stable and so it’ll run on G3’s again. Just in time for NaNoWriMo, which starts in 15 days! Also, as long as I have my fellow writers’ ears, I’ll plug my 30 Days of […]


One of the fallouts of visiting Portland is an inevitable surge of creative energy and “I don’ wanna work, I just wanna bang on me drums all day” attitude. See, my friend Elizabeth has been a professional Irish harp and folk musician for her entire career. Much as I’ve been a professional writer. Unlike me, […]

On Section 9006

OK, you can probably guess that I’m a fan of health care reform. What I’m not a fan of, though, is putting an unreasonable paperwork burden on small businesses and small corporations, and exposing those entities to identity theft. Here is the CNN article on the health care bill’s Section 9006. In essence: a little-known […]

I just wrote The Moment

There has been an image in the back of my mind ever since I started writing Handknit Heroes. A destination for one of the characters in the comic book, something bold and disturbing and which takes the story out of fun and games and into the seriousness of a hero’s quest. I just wrote it. […]

Script Frenzy: Day 16

Yesterday was the halfway point, and I started and ended the day at 77 pages. I am halfway through the 3rd issue this month (Issue #7), and right now my total script page count is 82. Really, that’s all I have to say today. Work is going well, and Issue 3 continues apace.