Twitter Updates for 2007-04-24

My refrigerator has had no power since noon. Things are gonna get rank around here real soon…. # @cas ¡Me gusta esta pelicula! Mi esposo conoce (un poco) Woz, quien es muy simpático. *sonrisa*: “foloweriarme” 🙂 # Heading into a conference call for work. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2007-04-21

Drinking green tea, listening to an audiobook, and researching ebooks and readers. # Just spent the morning taking everything downstairs in preparation for the yard sale. Must make signs this afternoon. Anyone need any books? # Just spent the morning taking everything downstairs in preparation for the yard sale. Must make signs this afternoon. Anyone […]

The Pain of Downsizing a Library

We’re downsizing our home, our lifestyle, etc. etc. etc. Everyone always talks about how liberating it is to release yourself of your possessions. And it is, indeed, spiritually a relief to let go of many of the things I’ve had cluttering my life for years. However…. Downsizing my library of the 900+ books that are […]