I don’t discuss my job in my blog

As anyone who reads my blog long enough knows, I do not discuss employers or clients in my blog. This is professional courtesy, as working relationships can sometimes become stressful or contentious, even in the course of a good, productive working relationship. What’s more, most of the time my work is anonymous. People do not […]

Where am I going with all this?

This past week, I’ve launched into what can only be described as “acts of desperation common to nearly all writers and artists.” In other words, I’ve been lowering the bar substatially on what I consider “my job.” You see, I typically view my job as being something that involves stringing words together into sentences that […]

Perfume Bottle

I picked up the mail yesterday on my way out to my speaking gig. Inside, there was the usual assortment of junk mail, a new book for me, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Sigh. So, I opened it, and read it while driving (bad form, I know). And I really couldn’t believe what I was […]