To DYE For!

Easter is an odd time for grown-up atheists. When I was a child, I wholeheartedly embraced the belief that rabbits pooped brightly colored eggs sometime around the same time as crocuses were shooting through the snow cover. Now, I was not raised in any religious tradition, unless you think non-belief somehow counts as a religion […]

Redefining Myself

In the process of emptying out my closets and my home to move into the RV, I find myself having to ask some very basic questions about who I am when I am without the trappings of my current life. Who am I when I no longer have a home to take care of? Am […]

Posted in RV

Virtual Bank Line

I dreamed last night that John and I were driving the RV very fast up a spiral driveway into a crowded parking garage, and that it was only a matter of time before we hit something. John would never drive like that.

Oh, I don’t know….

Script Frenzy opens for registration in a month. Write a 20,000 word screenplay in 30 days (June). Devilishly, that means you must write 666 words per day on average. My dear, very evil friend ElegantElbow sent me a plot suggestion for a thriller movie. The worst part is, I could actually write it. And I […]