1st Day “On the Road”

JohnnyB here. So we’re her at our first stop, Hollister Hills OHVRA (Off-Highway Vehicle Recreational Area). Our first day on the road is more symbolic than anything. We wanted to have our going away party and drive off into the sunset. We were running so late that we pretty much did just that! So I […]

Posted in RV

We leave tomorrow

OMG, we leave tomorrow!!! AIEEEE! The house is as empty as we plan to make it. There’s still a bunch of stuff there, but we’ve decided to leave some of it for the next owner. Yard tools, like the weed whacker, paint (of course), and a few minor cleaning supplies that we don’t have room […]

Why I Almost Missed the Simpsons Movie (no spoilers)

First, the review: The Simpsons Movie is terrific for fans of the Simpsons, but also for anyone who wants to enjoy a ninety minute animated film that isn’t for your five your old. And it’s definitely not for your five year old. There is strong language in the movie. Nothing you don’t say when your […]

Hogwarts Sock Swap

I joined the Hogwarts Sock Swap Iast week, and today I was accepted into the Hufflepuff First Years house. As part of the sock swap, students have been asked to respond to some basic questions about their sock-lovingness. As a bonus, I suppose this means any readers of my blog will now know how big […]