I’ve been working on a sock.

I’ve been knitting my very first hand-knitted sock. My cat broke the yarn at one place in the main section of the foot. I joined yarn and continued, hoping it wouldn’t leave too thick of a spot. I continued on, and was currently working on the toe decreases. I was putting the knitting away at […]

To DYE For!

Easter is an odd time for grown-up atheists. When I was a child, I wholeheartedly embraced the belief that rabbits pooped brightly colored eggs sometime around the same time as crocuses were shooting through the snow cover. Now, I was not raised in any religious tradition, unless you think non-belief somehow counts as a religion […]

Yarn Harlot: Muggles….

From Yarn Harlot: Freakin’ muggles: You’re probably going to see this all over the knit-blog-o-sphere, and that’s exactly the way it should be, so astonishing is this story. What follows is a copy of a letter that I received from Blue Moon Fiber Arts, home of Socks That Rock, the revered and esteemed handpainted sock […]