How To Play Pokemon Go While Running

HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical or fitness professional. I am an overweight desk worker, and this is entirely based on my experiences. Consult with your doctor before starting any fitness plan! Pay attention to your body– if something hurts, especially a sharp pain, then stop your activity, gently stretch, and go rest it. […]

Tough Mudder 2014

Over the weekend, my company’s awesome Las Vegas Tough Mudders headed out to tackle this epic obstacle course for “Team F Cancer.” I am in no shape to run 10 miles and throw myself through 20 obstacles. It’s not that I can’t get there, but I just wasn’t up for it this year. However, I did find […]

Achievemint: Linking APIs for Fitness and Profit

  Back in April, when I started this whole “hey, maybe I shouldn’t die” kick (again), I joined a site called Achievemint, which connects to your various apps and websites, tracks your health-and-wellness activities, and awards you points. Points which, once you accumulate enough of them, translate into a modest little check ($25). $25 is […]

5K – ran the whole way

I did the Sprinkler Sprint this morning. Starting time was a little after 7, finished at about 8, but the course wasn’t a full 5K so I jogged out the last 1/3 of a mile or so. It was totally fun and awesome, not too hot, lots of super soakers and fun water features to get […]

Progress on Running

This is a fairly typical run for me these days. Over 2 miles, pace is somewhere between 14:30 and 15:45 minutes per mile. Yesterday was 15:33, but it was 103 degrees out. Saturday was 14:43 at about 95 degrees. I got a heart rate monitor, which tells me that I spend about 8 minutes of […]