These are very similar questions. My freelancing routine isn’t much of a routine. As a general rule, though, on a week night, after dinner I settle into my messy desk with a big glass of water and maybe some scotch, fire up the laptop, and look at what needs to be done. Then I write. […]
Gamex 2016 (Strategicon): What we played!
This weekend, I went to Strategicon, as I do two or three times a year. Memorial Day weekend is Gamex, and it’s usually well-attended and of course a lot of fun. Friday night, I’d pre-registered for a game called Brew Ha Ha from UNCORKED Games! It has 24 left in its Kickstarter right now, and […]
Threadbare is LIVE! (And some behind-the-scenes marketing talk)
As of last Wednesday, Threadbare is LIVE on Kickstarter! If you don’t know, Threadbare is my role-playing game about broken toys in a broken world. It has a stitchpunk/maker aesthetic, but focuses on creating and building, rather than tearing things apart. I’ve written about it quite a bit here in the blog, and I’m very […]
RPG Blog Carnival: Weather Roundup!
April Showers was the theme for this month’s RPG Blog Carnival, and I was very honored to host it! Tables and Game Aids Doomslakers brings us a d6 random table of weird weather in the woods. Tales of a GM explores the role of weather in the elemental Plane of Air in two parts (a part 3 is coming […]
Thoughts on Being a Woman and Trying to Make Games
UPDATE (Nov 9, 2014): I’ve written a follow-up post with a bunch of helpful resources that came out of the discussion prompted by this post! Please check those out! I’m going to write about some of the obstacles I see as a writer and creator of games. These are in no way representative of the obstacles […]