Day 12: Getting My Work Out There
This varies based on what the work is.
When I contribute to others’ projects, I’m limited to their delivery method. Usually, that means a DriveThruRPG delivery plus some physical format if it has a physical product.
For my own stuff, I’ve fulfilled one project through DriveThruRPG, and have gone through a printer for other non-game projects. I sell Threadbare on IPR and at conventions.
In all cases, you can find a list and links to my published works here on my blog, in the My Games drop down in my sidebar, as well as on the My Games page.
Day 13: Biggest Influences
Some of the biggest influences on my game creation life are probably the amazing women and non-binary people I know who are nerds, gamers, and leaders in the gaming and game design space. Women like Stephanie Payne, a local organizer in Las Vegas who founded the Very Awesome Girls group. Avonelle Wing, who heads up Double Exposure, a company that tirelessly promotes games and game development through conventions, street teams, playtest rooms, etc. Elsa S Henry, who is a leader in accessibility and representation in gaming. Beth Rimmels, who runs rings around me (and everyone else) in social media marketing. Kate Bullock who heads Breakout Con and numerous Toronto-area gaming events. Non-binary folx like Stacy Dellorfano who founded ConTessa. Brie Sheldon, who does 5-question interviews with game designers and shows you don’t have to do longform articles to make a big impact (which is not to say they don’t spend as much time or more on those interviews!)