I finished up some knitting projects recently, and have a great announcement about a shawl I’ve been working on since 2015.
IÂ finished the Nouveau Beaded Lace shawl I’ve been working on in black Baruffa Cashwool with silver beads:
I took it to the Clark County Fair and Rodeo, which was April 12-16. When  I got there on Easter Sunday, I made a beeline for the Fine Arts building, where I proceeded to search around for my shawl…
I found it! With a big blue ribbon for Best in Class (best hand knitting) and a big purple ribbon for CHAMPION! It took the best in its section, including all other needle arts.
I’m not sure there’s a Best in Division. If so, probably one of the beautiful quilts got that– as it was, I had a point docked for “presentation” because I didn’t turn it in inside a bag.
I’ll post a few more knitting projects later today. It’s been Finish Up month here at my house, with socks, gloves, scarves, and a sweater all reaching completion!
Nice! Congrats 🙂