Today is the session-0 for the short-run Fate of Cthulhu game I’m running this month.

Today is the session-0 for the short-run Fate of Cthulhu game I’m running this month.

I’ve been reading the playtest doc all morning and, typos notwithstanding, I keep having to stop myself from audibly squeeing and waking people up!

Guys, this game is so good. I don’t know how much is going to end up in the final product, but OMG.


* Lovecraftian apocalypse

* I think it has a non-stigmatizing corruption mechanic (we will see when playing it with people who are more sensitive to this)

* A nod to PbtA with a couple of move-like actions.


(Tagging for “notice me senpai!”): Sean Nittner, Fred Hicks, Matthew Versluis, Tobias Strauss, Brian Dirk)

3 thoughts on “Today is the session-0 for the short-run Fate of Cthulhu game I’m running this month.

  1. Huzzah, that is wonderful to hear. Tagging in a few more of the creator so they see this too. Stephen Blackmoore, Sophie Lagace, PK Sullivan!

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