Do you wanna game with me?
I’m running three Gumshoe demos this weekend at the awesome and amazing Contessa Game Weekend.
Note: If you’re in the Los Angeles area, I’m running the same demos the following weekend at Strategicon, on May 23rd, starting at 4 PM. I’m participating in Games on Demand, so you don’t even have to pre-register for the events– just show up at the GoD area on Saturday and we’ll have some fun!
All three events are Saturday, May 16 and are in Pacific time. All demos are scheduled for an hour, but actual play-time is about 30 minutes. We have plenty of time for getting set up, learning the system, and getting the pre-generated character sheets together.
To sign up, click the link and post a comment saying you want to join in. If you just click the RSVP "yes" button, you won’t get into the game (but you will get reminded to watch the livestream).
9-10 AM: Night’s Black Agents demo.
10-11 AM: Ashen Stars demo.
11 AM-12 PM: Trail of Cthulhu demo.
You will need: Internet access and a computer with Flash. A Google+ account, so you can RSVP and so you can be part of the Hangouts when it starts. A working microphone connected to your computer (you’d be surprised how often players forget the "working" part of this). We will be playing over Google hangouts, with audio, using the in-hangouts Roll20 app for our dice rolling.
Please feel free to reshare this post! Note that all RSVPs and questions need to be posted as comments on the linked events above.
If you can’t make it but want to watch later, head over to my YouTube channel, where I post full-length play videos of all my public livestream events (usually from ConTessa, but not always).