Shout Out Roundup!

Don’t forget! Tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, January 24), I’ll be showing Handknit Heroes in Los Angeles at the Needlepoints West shop from 1-3!

And next Wednesday evening after 6, I’ll be at A Mano Yarn Center to show the comic and talk about knitting and comics as well.

If you’re in the area and want to take a look at the comic and see what it’s all about, come by either shop to check it out! Both shops stock Handknit Heroes and will have the comic available to sell right there in the store.

Also, I posted a little video to my personal blog tonight, to give you a peek inside the comic (if you haven’t had a chance yet).

Shout Outs!

Knitter’s Review put us in their roundup of great things to take from TNNA. Wow! Thanks!

Kim Werker posted a mini-review of the show and the comic– awesome! She even included a great, if goofy, picture of most of the Handknit Heroes team.

Skyline Chilly enthusiastically likes the concept of a knitting comic book.

SlightlyFoxxed found the comic to be so-so, but loves the pattern.I always hope that, with a story and artwork and pattern, everyone will find something valuable in each issue. Darcy’s also been a big supporter from Day 1, so we’re glad she’s looking forward to knitting the scarf. And I hope she finds Issue 2’s writing to be better than Issue 1.

My friends over at posted a review and a longing to knit the lovely POW! Hooded Scarf pattern!

GoLightly blogged about her review copy’s arrival. Hooray!

Also, today’s “not-related-but-cool” link comes from Knit Princess, an online webcomic strip about a knitter! I don’t know if she has superpowers, but I certainly adore the impulse!

Thanks everyone for the reviews and shout-outs. We love the attention, and we especially thank you for your support!