Upcoming Events!
I will be at some launch meet n’ greet parties in Los Angeles in the next week. A couple of awesome local yarn shops have asked me to stop by and show off the comic and talk knitting and comic books with all the awesome knitters who frequent their shops. I’m really glad to be able to do two meet n’ greets at times that should be convenient for many people.
- Saturday, January 24, 2009, 1-3 PM at Needlepoints West at 6227 West 87th St., Los Angeles. 310-670-8857.
- Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 6-8 PM: A Mano Yarn Center at 12808 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles. 310-397-7170.
Updated Website
We’ve added the Shop Locator to our website. If you still haven’t put your hands on a copy of Handknit Heroes, check out the local listings to find a shop. And if your favorite shop isn’t listed, ask the shop owner to carry it!
I also updated the design guidelines today to give a few more suggestions for colors and what we’re specifically looking for in our upcoming issues. If you’re a designer or would like to be, go take a look.
And as of this morning, we have a quicker checkout for advertising. We still want you to make contact first, just so we don’t oversell any issues, but you can now add an advertisement to your cart and pay for it online.
Shout Outs!
Mad props to the blogosphere for getting the word out. We have a couple of sightings and another unrelated coolness:
Crafty Ginger posted a quick review on her blog.
Hege posted in her blog about getting her copy.
Danido posted another shout-out on their videoblog (approx. 6 minutes 50 seconds in).
We’re now in the Comic Books app on Facebook. If you use it for your pull lists or collections, stop by and add it in.
And in unrelated awesomeness: Kniiting for the Wii, this one sent to my by my mom’s hubby Oren.
Update frequency to ease soon
I promise, the frequency of update emails and posts will slow down as we head out of the post-launch frenzy and get back to doing what we do best: making a cool comic book for knitters! So if you’re thinking “I don’t know if I want to hear from them every day,” just hang in there. I already know that things heat up just before and after we release an issue, then cool off during our development cycle.