Trailer Trash.

John and I are practicing our “trailer trash talk.” He emailed Wells Fargo to ask them a question, and they replied (by email) telling him to call them (we don’t have reliable cell coverage out here). This led to silliness as we envision the email exchange trying to tell WF that we can email, but not call them.

In our best hickbilly accents….

Ah wood call yew, but ah do not have a phone. The pickup truck ran it ovah last night. Ah wood drive into tawn to go to a pay phone, but mah trailuh does nawt have wheels. Please send me some wheels, an’ I will go into tawn to call yew. Otherwise, replah to mah dam email.

…. it’s probably funnier in person.

Posted in RV

1 thought on “Trailer Trash.

  1. You’re not really trailer trash unless:
    1) you have your jeep up on blocks in the campsite
    2) you have several dogs sleeping under your porch
    3) you’ve brought home furniture to ‘fix up’ your campsite
    4) You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels.
    5) You think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk.

    and thought for the day is:
    What do a redneck divorce and a tornado have in common?
    (A) Either way, someone is gonna loose a trailer.

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