Interstellar: The White Guy’s Hero Space Adventure!

I saw Interstellar last night.

interstellar-photos-pictures-stillsIt’s a good sci fi movie. It felt like a cross between Contact and Gravity, but with a larger cast of crewmembers. It was gorgeous visually, had amazing special effects, and significantly limited the “that doesn’t work like that in space” that many other movies fall into. For example: things were more or less silent in space, except when the musical soundtrack had to swell up to make sure we knew Drama! was happening, and drown out the dialog.

But I digress. Clearly, I have a few…. problems with the movie. That’s okay, right? It’s okay to like problematic media, right? And it’s okay to blog about them and give a nice little rant about the things that made me go “huh.” while I was watching, right?

Spoilers ahead! No, seriously. LOTS OF SPOILERS. I WILL RUIN THIS MOVIE FOR YOU! STOP READING NOW! And I’m all over the place with this post, bouncing from one problematic part to another. I’ve put them behind a cut-tag and a new spoiler-tag plugin, but if you’re reading this somewhere other than directly on my blog, that spoiler tag might not work the way I think it should.

This post is like the spider-baby hatching of spoilers for this movie.

On the Pro Side: Women do have a lot of lines in the movie, and they do have sciency lines. Not nearly as many as men. In fact, early on, Hathaway basically says “let’s not talk too much.” I think this is the scriptwriter’s acknowledgement that he’s going to give all the good lines to the robot and McConaughey.

I expect better from my serious sci fi.