June Media


#40: Orcs by Stan Nicholls is a wow-breathtaking saga to read. I was really impressed by the sweeping military storyline, the “feel” of the setting and the story, and the journey the orcs were on. I was not impressed by the last 10 pages of the book, but that’s neither here nor there– I forgive denouements when the rest of the book is really good.

#41: Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition Dungeon Masters Guide. Erm. I found a D&D group. Need I say more?

The Ideal Wife by Mary Balogh… cute Regency romance.


Much Ado About You by Eloisa James– one of my favorite Regency romance writers. This one is the first of the Essex sisters romances (I’ve read 2 others).


The Island of Lost Maps by Miles Harvey. Geography buff that I am, when I saw this in a bookstore in New Haven, CT, I immediately added it to my to-read pile. Very good book on cartographic crimes– particularly the stealing of old and rare maps.

#45: The Enchanted Moment by Barbara Cartland.Erm. Post-WWII England romance novel which was not one of the best love stories I’ve ever read. Cartland doesn’t usually disappoint, but I felt there was something infinitely lacking in this one.


The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. I read this when I was about 14 years old and staying at my aunt’s apartment because a sprained ankle was keeping me from summer camp. I loved it then, and I love it still. I thought to myself “Oh, maybe the story was more simplistic than I remember,” and I was right– there is a lot of fore-telling in this novel. But oh, my– after reading the Dark Tower series and then coming back to The Eyes of the Dragon, I was just floored.


#13: The Men Who Stare at Goats – amusing and fun.

#14: The A Team – we will buy this on DVD, it was so awesome.