Awesome Launch!

We launched the comic book this weekend at the TNNA trade show in San Diego. This meant a few things. First, I had to get to San Diego, which we did slowly but surely via El Paso, Albuquerque, and Las Vegas, where we stayed for a month, doing show prep and getting our stuff together. Finally, we arrived in San Diego, shortly after I finished the first iteration of the POW! Hooded Scarf:


This is the pattern that appears in Handknit Heroes, Issue #1. Here it is in our trade show booth:


I flew Marc Olivent, my artist, out for the show. I made the offer thoughtfully, but as the time approached, I did second-guess a little bit and wondered if it was the right decision. I realized Friday night after the Sample It! event that it was the right choice. Marc’s not a polished salesman, but there were women lining up to buy whatever he was selling with his cute British accent. Yay! The fangirldom continued all weekend, including a moment with one of the retailers who stopped by– and actually knew Marc’s other comic books. You know, the ones that aren’t related to knitting? Wild, and wonderful!

Here I am in our booth, with Shannon Okey, who is not only a cool knitter and awesome person to meet, but who says, after she approaches us and gooshes about how awesome it is to have a comic book for knitters: “my husband writes a comic book.” (I will paraphrase a little here, because I don’t remember now if she said husband or boyfriend, but “male significant partner” is the key here in my mind, someone she shares her life with).

“Oh, yeah?” say Marc and I. “Which one?”

“El Gorgo.”

Me: “NO WAY!!!!! Eeeee!!!!” The fangirling re-commences, though in the other direction now, as I am a big fan of El Gorgo, and even reviewed it for Me and Shannon:


And, uh, before the trade show, John, Marc, and I went to the San Diego Zoo:



And I’m a bonehead and apparently failed to take pictures of Marc, or of Marc and me. Wow– so I know that there are knitters out there in the world who have these photos. Please send me a link? I need to see them and share them with friends!

1 thought on “Awesome Launch!

  1. i love the comicknits hand knit heroes received my copy yesterday. my eyes are not that great so i have a hard time reading , actually i can not read it, the red rectangular bubbles with the sheen of the ink or paper and the font choice, and i really want to! other than that i love it and the pattern for the hooded pocket scarf is great! congratulations.

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