We’re Walking to Hawaii: Update

We now have four members signed up to walk to Hawaii over on America on the Move! This is awesome! If you’d like to sign up and join us, comment here or drop me an email and I’ll send you a registration code. AOM is free to use– create a full access account so you can sign up right proper. Once you do, sign up for the Pacific Crest challenge, because its goals are similar to the ones we’re aiming for. We’ll delve into more of the tools later. I’m thinking we should set September 30 as the close date for signing up. I’d like us all to get to Hawaii around the same time, after all.

Anyway, Click here to download the Excel spreadsheet I’m using! Feel free to tweak it to your own needs!

In the plans: Some way to talk to each other about our goals/progress. I’m going to send out a short poll to find out: do you want a LiveJournal community, an email/web group (Yahoo! group or Google?), a private listserve, or just swap everyone’s email addresses? Do you want a non-LJ group blog where we can post our progress, or something more private? If you’re in the challenge, think about this and watch your inbox.