I’ve been working on a sock.

I’ve been knitting my very first hand-knitted sock.

My cat broke the yarn at one place in the main section of the foot. I joined yarn and continued, hoping it wouldn’t leave too thick of a spot. I continued on, and was currently working on the toe decreases. I was putting the knitting away at night when not working on it, but left it out last night when I went to bed.

This morning, I woke up to find the sock in the kitchen sink and the ball of yarn in the bedroom. Sadly, even though this is only a distance of a few feet, the yarn was broken again.

So now, I will have a thick spot right at the toe decreases, exactly where I don’t want them. I’m thinking I might unravel a ways, just so the join winds up somewhere less critical in terms of wear points.

This is frustrating. I can see I’m going to need to make a second pair of socks, this time without assistance from the cat.