Welcome to the July 25, 2008 edition of tickled elbows. The criteria for this blog carnival are simple; your blog post must make me chuckle. If it doesn’t tickle my funny bone, it doesn’t get into the carnival. But if your post didn’t make it in, please do keep trying!
Leanne Magraith presents Blogging Experiment Aftermath posted at Forever Change, saying, “A follow up to a serious post I wrote two days earlier about distractions and multitasking. I was trying to convey how stressed out I felt the day after the experiment.”
Barbara Diamond presents OH SHIT, RUN posted at AMERICAN SCOFFLAW.
GrrlScientist presents Speaking of Peeps, Have You Heard About AstroPeep? posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, “This essay tells the amazing true story about a special marshmallow peeponaut who was the first of her kind to travel into space.”
G. Savant presents Penguin Feet, Nature Walks, and Accepting Animal Parts. posted at The Gentleman Savant, saying, “A humorous article about a trip to the zoo.”
That concludes this edition of “tickled elbows,” the blog carnival of posts that made me chuckle. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tickled elbows using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page. If you’d like to host this carnival on your blog, drop me a comment with your blog address!
Technorati tags: tickled elbows, blog carnival, funny, humor.