Got funny?

I started a new blog carnival for humorous blog posts, called Tickled Elbows because there just weren’t enough humor-related blog carnivals, and even though I am not myself terribly funny, I do know when something makes me laugh. I’ll be posting it on Friday, so if you submit your post today, it’ll go up by […]

All over again?

Remember last year, when I had all the trouble and anxiety and, well, angst over paring down my 900+ book library to the 100 or so that I really really wanted? OK. Now imagine that kind of angst, only the books in question are over 100 years old, some priceless, and I haven’t read any […]

Some Changes

Lots of change and upheaval lately: Personal Changes My sister and her kids came to visit last week. It was tons of fun, spent a lot of time at the pool and beach, and went to the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory with them. They’re great kids, and I’m soooooo glad they were able to come […]