Uber’s CEO is considering a 3-month leave of absence to help the company culture turn around.

Uber’s CEO is considering a 3-month leave of absence to help the company culture turn around. They also fired 20 people, including top managers, and one of his senior execs.

Like, I get that they want to distance the company from its toxic man-boy leader, but giving said leader a 3 month vacation isn’t exactly helping the women who were harassed right out of his company, nor does it help the victims of sexual assault from his drivers. Nor does it help the journalist whose privacy he invaded so he could personally harass her. Nor does it undo the illegal practice of showing ghost-cars in cities where Uber isn’t legal.

Like, why aren’t there criminal charges pending at this point?


4 thoughts on “Uber’s CEO is considering a 3-month leave of absence to help the company culture turn around.

  1. I read an article that had an interesting fact in it: apparently three people, including the CEO, have special shares of stock that allow them to vote ten times per share. So while they hold a minority share of stock, collectively they can outvote everyone else. It’s an unusual system and we are seeing some of the flaws here. I imagine the stockholders would love to fire this guy at this point, but I don’t think they can.

  2. One of the execs also obtained and shared the medical details of a rape case by an Uber India driver in an attempt to discredit the victim. Like, SCUMMY company behavior, through and through!

  3. Someone I worked with left to go work for Uber just before a lot of this stuff started coming to light with them…. I keep wondering how much this has impacted her.

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