February 2015 Books and Games

Books: #51bookchallenge

#5: Silver Bullets, by Ryan States. (m, for podcast)

#6: Monster of the Week rpg game book (m)

Games: #51in15

#8: Summer Song (playtest) by Josh Jordan (2 players)

#9: The Whispering Road by Brent Newhall (2 players)

#10: Red November (3 players)

#11: Tanto Cuore (3 players, <30 minutes)

#12: Dungeon World: Dragon Slaying (9 players, con game)

#13: Loonacy (2 players, <30 minutes)

#14: Best Friends (4 players, con game, Games on Demand)

#15: FATE: Mecha vs. Kaiju (5 players, con game)

#16: Night’s Black Agents (6 players, con game, Horse in the Race)

#18: Spirit of 77 (6 players, con game)

#19: Epyllion one-shot (6 players, online game, female-written game)

#20: Dungeon World in Dragonia (4 players)

#21: Dungeon World one shot (6 players)

5-over-5 6-roleplaying-games=15-roleplaying-games

Leaving out games that are continuations of existing games/storylines/campaigns (Whispering Road, 13th Age, etc).