July 2013 books

#20: A Pug’s Tale, by Alison Pace. It’s a sequel to Pug Hill. Seems like chick-lit with a veneer of a mystery over it. Overall, I found it lazily written.

#21: Supernatural Devices: A Steampunk Scarlett Novel, by Kailin Gow. Felt like the first part of a book, not the first book of a series. A lot of unfinished tails– I really dislike it when authors assume that the first novel in their series will be so awesome, you just have to read the second.

#22: Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami. Did not enjoy this nearly as much as I hoped I would. Character was flat, an observer in his own life, and it just left me feeling blah about him and the whole story.