Fate Accompli!

Over the past week or so, Johnny has been diligently helping me move my server over to one he has on his co-located servers. I’ve been less than satisfied with Dreamhost, and want to save some $ on top, so a movin’ I shall go.

It takes time, though, and of course everything breaks, so if you’ve seen some weirdness in the past couple of days, it’s partially due to my servers moving and partly due to a third-party technical glitch (which I’ve resolved on my end so you won’t be reading about stretch marks from me anymore).

Meanwhile, a more important accomplishment happened today, one which inspired me to kick back with a beer and a server tonight. I sent Issue #3 to the printer! This is huge news, and comes not a moment too soon (and several too late!) and I’m just thrilled. I’m thrilled because it’s finally done, but also because I sat down and re-read it today in my final proofreading and… I giggled. Out loud. Because it’s still funny, even after all the frustration and delays. It’s still funny and cute and I still like it.

Thank goodness. Because work on Issue #4 is just around the corner!

But not yet, not tonight. Tonight it’s beer and Simpsons and kicking back with my wonderful husband who helps keep everything running.