Script Frenzy: Day 4

Oh, I know it’s some holiday or other, but really, today for me is a celebration of awesomely fun comic book writing!

On Friday, I finished writing the draft of Issue 4 for Handknit Heroes. Hooray!

On Saturday, I outlined Issue 5 and wrote 4 pages (of 22 total for each issue). That’s 4 comic book pages.

Script Frenzy is a dare to write 100 pages of “script” in 30 days. In the comic book/graphic novel world, that’s a little different, because 1 page of comic doesn’t always equal 1 page of script. In my case, the script is generally longer. So yesterday’s 4 pages was actually 6 script pages.

As of today (Sunday), I have 15 pages of Issue 5 written. My outline varies between 21 and 23 pages, depending on how much I decide I really want or don’t want something to be in there. There’s a whole subplot I all but dropped from Issue 4 because it made the issue too long. I suppose I could just make the issue longer, but printing isn’t cheap, and we’re already so close to the next ounce for postage, I can’t add another 8 pages (we gained a margin for error when we found the right sized envelopes without a metal clasp on them, that’s how close we are)

The goal for me is to write 1 issue each week this month. I may not reach that particular goal– since I’m also shipping Issue 3 this month, it makes for a more complicated time. But if I can get most of them done, I’ll be a happy girl.