It has begun!

Chapter 1

When in doubt, add zombies.

Tom dragged another troop of shambler zombies into the scenario, strategically placing them in the shadow of the high rise building that housed the level access code. The zombies stood, their slack jaws red with unidentified gore, while Tom nudged two of them closer to the building and the remaining three further out. It would be possible for a well-practiced warrior to do a straight run through the troop, but any newbies would be seeing the red screen of shame.

The alarm on his watch started beeping, and Tom pressed Control S to save the game code to his local hard drive before checking it in. It wasn’t that he was paranoid. It was that he’d had the misfortune of losing a whole day’s work on three separate occasions because the Windows network failed in the middle of the code checkin, and he hadn’t caught it before heading home for the night.

1,673 words for tonight.

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