Featured in Carnival of Travelers

USTravel.today.com was featured in the Carnival of Travelers blog carnival today, which highlighted posts on U.S. travel around the blogosphere. Check it out for some great posts, tips, and stories. My favorite? The post about Mesa Verde, which provides historical context for this desert destination. Originally posted to Life on the Road.

Knowing What You Have

Ah, inventory management. I never thought of myself as the kind of person who would enjoy entering, cataloging, and maintaining an inventory, and yet… There is something infinitely satisfying about pulling up a site like LibraryThing, or opening Delicious Library to see, at a glance, whether or not I have a particular book I’m looking […]

Housecleaning and Stuff Management

I did the Compact last year for 4 months, from January to May. Why only 4 months? Because I knew that moving into an RV was time-consuming and would require things we didn’t already have and couldn’t get otherwise. I like to think that by selling, giving away, and recycling nearly everything else in my […]