Back on the Knitterly Bandwagon

I had something of a knitter’s hiatus last month. Between family visits, the funeral, trying to start up some writing gigs, and travel, I just didn’t have the extra “oomph” needed to fiddle with strings and sticks for a while.

In fact, I have had “finish kitty for swap” and “take photos of sweater” on my to-do list for so long, I had begun to despair of ever finishing either one.

Well, finally it is done. I have had time to finish the kitty, and pose for photos of the Susie Sweater:IMG_1680.JPG

I’ve also cast on for Secret of the Stole iii. Hint 1 is below:


The kitty: Don’t click through if you’re my kitty swap recipient and don’t want to spoil the surprise!:


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